As part of the ongoing inclusive election program in Kiambu County, Embrace Inclusion in partnership with Action Network for the Disabled (ANDY) and Ruiru District Disability Network (RUDNET) conducted a public forum in Ruiru Sub County which was held at the Ruiru CDF Social hall on 6th June, 2017.
The forum was attended by Persons with Disabilities from different the eight wards evenly distributed within the constituency, DPO leaders who assisted in preparation and arrangement of the venue and logistics. Present were the IEBC voters educators from the constituency, the District officer from the local administration and ANDY educators.
The forum main agenda was to educate persons with disabilities on their rights as voters, importance of participating in the election and the processes that will be taking place in the Election Day.
The Civil and voter education forum was targeting persons with disabilities; whom the majority don’t participate in election due to various difficulties that are normally associated with the polling exercise.
The IEBC educators were tasked with explaining measures that have been taken to ensure all PWDs full participate in elections without obstacles experienced in the previous elections. PWDs presented their arguments on issues such as discrimination while awarding job opportunities, lack of support to caretakers and measures taken to identify persons with disabilities at the polling stations.
The local administration promised their commitment to ensure every person is protected within the law and to offer adequate support to vote where necessary.
Embrace inclusion will follow up on post election forums that will look forward to facilitate meetings with the elected leaders once elections are completed.
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